fortios_router_isis – Configure IS-IS in Fortinet’s FortiOS and FortiGate.
Added in version 2.0.0.
This module is able to configure a FortiGate or FortiOS (FOS) device by allowing the user to set and modify router feature and isis category. Examples include all parameters and values need to be adjusted to datasources before usage. Tested with FOS v6.0.0
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Using member operation to add an element to an existing object.
FortiOS Version Compatibility
Supported Version Ranges: v6.0.0 -> v7.6.0
- access_token - Token-based authentication. Generated from GUI of Fortigate. type: str required: false
- enable_log - Enable/Disable logging for task. type: bool required: false default: False
- vdom - Virtual domain, among those defined previously. A vdom is a virtual instance of the FortiGate that can be configured and used as a different unit. type: str default: root
- member_path - Member attribute path to operate on. type: str
- member_state - Add or delete a member under specified attribute path. type: str choices: present, absent
- router_isis - Configure IS-IS. type: dict more...
- adjacency_check - Enable/disable adjacency check. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- adjacency_check6 - Enable/disable IPv6 adjacency check. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- adv_passive_only - Enable/disable IS-IS advertisement of passive interfaces only. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- adv_passive_only6 - Enable/disable IPv6 IS-IS advertisement of passive interfaces only. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- auth_keychain_l1 - Authentication key-chain for level 1 PDUs. Source type: str more...
- auth_keychain_l2 - Authentication key-chain for level 2 PDUs. Source type: str more...
- auth_mode_l1 - Level 1 authentication mode. type: str choices: password, md5 more...
- auth_mode_l2 - Level 2 authentication mode. type: str choices: password, md5 more...
- auth_password_l1 - Authentication password for level 1 PDUs. type: str more...
- auth_password_l2 - Authentication password for level 2 PDUs. type: str more...
- auth_sendonly_l1 - Enable/disable level 1 authentication send-only. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- auth_sendonly_l2 - Enable/disable level 2 authentication send-only. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- default_originate - Enable/disable distribution of default route information. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- default_originate6 - Enable/disable distribution of default IPv6 route information. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- dynamic_hostname - Enable/disable dynamic hostname. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- ignore_lsp_errors - Enable/disable ignoring of LSP errors with bad checksums. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- is_type - IS type. type: str choices: level-1-2, level-1, level-2-only more...
- isis_interface - IS-IS interface configuration. type: list member_path: isis_interface:name more...
- auth_keychain_l1 - Authentication key-chain for level 1 PDUs. Source type: str more...
- auth_keychain_l2 - Authentication key-chain for level 2 PDUs. Source type: str more...
- auth_mode_l1 - Level 1 authentication mode. type: str choices: md5, password more...
- auth_mode_l2 - Level 2 authentication mode. type: str choices: md5, password more...
- auth_password_l1 - Authentication password for level 1 PDUs. type: str more...
- auth_password_l2 - Authentication password for level 2 PDUs. type: str more...
- auth_send_only_l1 - Enable/disable authentication send-only for level 1 PDUs. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- auth_send_only_l2 - Enable/disable authentication send-only for level 2 PDUs. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- circuit_type - IS-IS interface"s circuit type. type: str choices: level-1-2, level-1, level-2 more...
- csnp_interval_l1 - Level 1 CSNP interval. type: int more...
- csnp_interval_l2 - Level 2 CSNP interval. type: int more...
- hello_interval_l1 - Level 1 hello interval. type: int more...
- hello_interval_l2 - Level 2 hello interval. type: int more...
- hello_multiplier_l1 - Level 1 multiplier for Hello holding time. type: int more...
- hello_multiplier_l2 - Level 2 multiplier for Hello holding time. type: int more...
- hello_padding - Enable/disable padding to IS-IS hello packets. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- lsp_interval - LSP transmission interval (milliseconds). type: int more...
- lsp_retransmit_interval - LSP retransmission interval (sec). type: int more...
- mesh_group - Enable/disable IS-IS mesh group. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- mesh_group_id - Mesh group ID <0-4294967295>, 0: mesh-group blocked. type: int more...
- metric_l1 - Level 1 metric for interface. type: int more...
- metric_l2 - Level 2 metric for interface. type: int more...
- name - IS-IS interface name. Source type: str required: true more...
- network_type - IS-IS interface"s network type. type: str choices: broadcast, point-to-point, loopback more...
- priority_l1 - Level 1 priority. type: int more...
- priority_l2 - Level 2 priority. type: int more...
- status - Enable/disable interface for IS-IS. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- status6 - Enable/disable IPv6 interface for IS-IS. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- wide_metric_l1 - Level 1 wide metric for interface. type: int more...
- wide_metric_l2 - Level 2 wide metric for interface. type: int more...
- isis_net - IS-IS net configuration. type: list member_path: isis_net:id more...
- id - ISIS network ID. see Notes. type: int required: true more...
- net - IS-IS networks (format = xx.xxxx. .xxxx.xx.). type: str more...
- lsp_gen_interval_l1 - Minimum interval for level 1 LSP regenerating. type: int more...
- lsp_gen_interval_l2 - Minimum interval for level 2 LSP regenerating. type: int more...
- lsp_refresh_interval - LSP refresh time in seconds. type: int more...
- max_lsp_lifetime - Maximum LSP lifetime in seconds. type: int more...
- metric_style - Use old-style (ISO 10589) or new-style packet formats. type: str choices: narrow, wide, transition, narrow-transition, narrow-transition-l1, narrow-transition-l2, wide-l1, wide-l2, wide-transition, wide-transition-l1, wide-transition-l2, transition-l1, transition-l2 more...
- overload_bit - Enable/disable signal other routers not to use us in SPF. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- overload_bit_on_startup - Overload-bit only temporarily after reboot. type: int more...
- overload_bit_suppress - Suppress overload-bit for the specific prefixes. type: list choices: external, interlevel more...
- redistribute - IS-IS redistribute protocols. type: list member_path: redistribute:protocol more...
- level - Level. type: str choices: level-1-2, level-1, level-2 more...
- metric - Metric. type: int more...
- metric_type - Metric type. type: str choices: external, internal more...
- protocol - Protocol name. type: str required: true more...
- routemap - Route map name. Source type: str more...
- status - Status. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- redistribute_l1 - Enable/disable redistribution of level 1 routes into level 2. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- redistribute_l1_list - Access-list for route redistribution from l1 to l2. Source type: str more...
- redistribute_l2 - Enable/disable redistribution of level 2 routes into level 1. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- redistribute_l2_list - Access-list for route redistribution from l2 to l1. Source type: str more...
- redistribute6 - IS-IS IPv6 redistribution for routing protocols. type: list member_path: redistribute6:protocol more...
- level - Level. type: str choices: level-1-2, level-1, level-2 more...
- metric - Metric. type: int more...
- metric_type - Metric type. type: str choices: external, internal more...
- protocol - Protocol name. type: str required: true more...
- routemap - Route map name. Source type: str more...
- status - Enable/disable redistribution. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- redistribute6_l1 - Enable/disable redistribution of level 1 IPv6 routes into level 2. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- redistribute6_l1_list - Access-list for IPv6 route redistribution from l1 to l2. Source type: str more...
- redistribute6_l2 - Enable/disable redistribution of level 2 IPv6 routes into level 1. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
- redistribute6_l2_list - Access-list for IPv6 route redistribution from l2 to l1. Source type: str more...
- spf_interval_exp_l1 - Level 1 SPF calculation delay. type: str more...
- spf_interval_exp_l2 - Level 2 SPF calculation delay. type: str more...
- summary_address - IS-IS summary addresses. type: list member_path: summary_address:id more...
- id - Summary address entry ID. see Notes. type: int required: true more...
- level - Level. type: str choices: level-1-2, level-1, level-2 more...
- prefix - Prefix. type: str more...
- summary_address6 - IS-IS IPv6 summary address. type: list member_path: summary_address6:id more...
Legacy fortiosapi has been deprecated, httpapi is the preferred way to run playbooks
The module supports check_mode.
- name: Configure IS-IS.
vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
adjacency_check: "enable"
adjacency_check6: "enable"
adv_passive_only: "enable"
adv_passive_only6: "enable"
auth_keychain_l1: "<your_own_value> (source"
auth_keychain_l2: "<your_own_value> (source"
auth_mode_l1: "password"
auth_mode_l2: "password"
auth_password_l1: "<your_own_value>"
auth_password_l2: "<your_own_value>"
auth_sendonly_l1: "enable"
auth_sendonly_l2: "enable"
default_originate: "enable"
default_originate6: "enable"
dynamic_hostname: "enable"
ignore_lsp_errors: "enable"
is_type: "level-1-2"
auth_keychain_l1: "<your_own_value> (source"
auth_keychain_l2: "<your_own_value> (source"
auth_mode_l1: "md5"
auth_mode_l2: "md5"
auth_password_l1: "<your_own_value>"
auth_password_l2: "<your_own_value>"
auth_send_only_l1: "enable"
auth_send_only_l2: "enable"
circuit_type: "level-1-2"
csnp_interval_l1: "10"
csnp_interval_l2: "10"
hello_interval_l1: "10"
hello_interval_l2: "10"
hello_multiplier_l1: "3"
hello_multiplier_l2: "3"
hello_padding: "enable"
lsp_interval: "33"
lsp_retransmit_interval: "5"
mesh_group: "enable"
mesh_group_id: "0"
metric_l1: "10"
metric_l2: "10"
name: "default_name_43 (source"
network_type: "broadcast"
priority_l1: "64"
priority_l2: "64"
status: "enable"
status6: "enable"
wide_metric_l1: "10"
wide_metric_l2: "10"
id: "52"
net: "<your_own_value>"
lsp_gen_interval_l1: "30"
lsp_gen_interval_l2: "30"
lsp_refresh_interval: "900"
max_lsp_lifetime: "1200"
metric_style: "narrow"
overload_bit: "enable"
overload_bit_on_startup: "0"
overload_bit_suppress: "external"
level: "level-1-2"
metric: "0"
metric_type: "external"
protocol: "<your_own_value>"
routemap: "<your_own_value> (source"
status: "enable"
redistribute_l1: "enable"
redistribute_l1_list: "<your_own_value> (source"
redistribute_l2: "enable"
redistribute_l2_list: "<your_own_value> (source"
level: "level-1-2"
metric: "0"
metric_type: "external"
protocol: "<your_own_value>"
routemap: "<your_own_value> (source"
status: "enable"
redistribute6_l1: "enable"
redistribute6_l1_list: "<your_own_value> (source"
redistribute6_l2: "enable"
redistribute6_l2_list: "<your_own_value> (source"
spf_interval_exp_l1: "<your_own_value>"
spf_interval_exp_l2: "<your_own_value>"
id: "87"
level: "level-1-2"
prefix: "<your_own_value>"
id: "91"
level: "level-1-2"
prefix6: "<your_own_value>"
Return Values
Common return values are documented:, the following are the fields unique to this module:
- build - Build number of the fortigate image returned: always type: str sample: 1547
- http_method - Last method used to provision the content into FortiGate returned: always type: str sample: PUT
- http_status - Last result given by FortiGate on last operation applied returned: always type: str sample: 200
- mkey - Master key (id) used in the last call to FortiGate returned: success type: str sample: id
- name - Name of the table used to fulfill the request returned: always type: str sample: urlfilter
- path - Path of the table used to fulfill the request returned: always type: str sample: webfilter
- revision - Internal revision number returned: always type: str sample:
- serial - Serial number of the unit returned: always type: str sample: FGVMEVYYQT3AB5352
- status - Indication of the operation's result returned: always type: str sample: success
- vdom - Virtual domain used returned: always type: str sample: root
- version - Version of the FortiGate returned: always type: str sample: v5.6.3
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.