fortios_wireless_controller_wtp_profile – Configure WTP profiles or FortiAP profiles that define radio settings for manageable FortiAP platforms in Fortinet’s FortiOS and FortiGate.

New in version 2.0.0.


  • This module is able to configure a FortiGate or FortiOS (FOS) device by allowing the user to set and modify wireless_controller feature and wtp_profile category. Examples include all parameters and values need to be adjusted to datasources before usage. Tested with FOS v6.0.0


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • ansible>=2.9


Using member operation to add an element to an existing object.

FortiOS Version Compatibility

v6.0.0 v6.0.5 v6.0.11 v6.2.0 v6.2.3 v6.2.5 v6.2.7 v6.4.0 v6.4.1 v6.4.4 v7.0.0 v7.0.1 v7.0.2 v7.0.3 v7.0.4 v7.0.5 v7.0.6 v7.0.7 v7.0.8 v7.2.0 v7.2.1 v7.2.2
fortios_wireless_controller_wtp_profile yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


  • access_token - Token-based authentication. Generated from GUI of Fortigate. type: str required: false
  • enable_log - Enable/Disable logging for task. type: bool required: false default: False
  • vdom - Virtual domain, among those defined previously. A vdom is a virtual instance of the FortiGate that can be configured and used as a different unit. type: str default: root
  • member_path - Member attribute path to operate on. type: str
  • member_state - Add or delete a member under specified attribute path. type: str choices: present, absent
  • state - Indicates whether to create or remove the object. type: str required: true choices: present, absent
  • wireless_controller_wtp_profile - Configure WTP profiles or FortiAP profiles that define radio settings for manageable FortiAP platforms. type: dict more...
    • allowaccess - Control management access to the managed WTP, FortiAP, or AP. Separate entries with a space. type: list choices: https, ssh, snmp, telnet, http more...
    • ap_country - Country in which this WTP, FortiAP, or AP will operate . type: str choices: --, AF, AL, DZ, AS, AO, AR, AM, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BD, BB, BY, BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BT, BO, BA, BW, BR, BN, BG, BF, KH, CM, KY, CF, TD, CL, CN, CX, CO, CG, CD, CR, HR, CY, CZ, DK, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, ET, EE, GF, PF, FO, FJ, FI, FR, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GU, GT, GY, HT, HN, HK, HU, IS, IN, ID, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, CI, JM, JO, KZ, KE, KR, KW, LA, LV, LB, LS, LY, LI, LT, LU, MO, MK, MG, MW, MY, MV, ML, MT, MH, MQ, MR, MU, YT, MX, FM, MD, MC, MA, MZ, MM, NA, NP, NL, AN, AW, NZ, NI, NE, NO, MP, OM, PK, PW, PA, PG, PY, PE, PH, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, SA, SN, RS, ME, SL, SG, SK, SI, ZA, ES, LK, SE, SR, CH, TW, TZ, TH, TG, TT, TN, TR, TM, AE, TC, UG, UA, GB, US, PS, UY, UZ, VU, VE, VN, VI, WF, YE, ZM, ZW, JP, CA, MN, IR, KP, SD, SY, ZB more...
    • ap_handoff - Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • apcfg_profile - AP local configuration profile name. Source type: str more...
    • ble_profile - Bluetooth Low Energy profile name. Source type: str more...
    • comment - Comment. type: str more...
    • console_login - Enable/disable FortiAP console login access . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • control_message_offload - Enable/disable CAPWAP control message data channel offload. type: list choices: ebp-frame, aeroscout-tag, ap-list, sta-list, sta-cap-list, stats, aeroscout-mu, sta-health, spectral-analysis more...
    • deny_mac_list - List of MAC addresses that are denied access to this WTP, FortiAP, or AP. type: list more...
      • id - ID. type: int more...
      • mac - A WiFi device with this MAC address is denied access to this WTP, FortiAP or AP. type: str more...
    • dtls_in_kernel - Enable/disable data channel DTLS in kernel. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • dtls_policy - WTP data channel DTLS policy . type: list choices: clear-text, dtls-enabled, ipsec-vpn more...
    • energy_efficient_ethernet - Enable/disable use of energy efficient Ethernet on WTP. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • esl_ses_dongle - ESL SES-imagotag dongle configuration. type: dict more...
      • apc_addr_type - ESL SES-imagotag APC address type . type: str choices: fqdn, ip more...
      • apc_fqdn - FQDN of ESL SES-imagotag Access Point Controller (APC). type: str more...
      • apc_ip - IP address of ESL SES-imagotag Access Point Controller (APC). type: str more...
      • apc_port - Port of ESL SES-imagotag Access Point Controller (APC). type: int more...
      • coex_level - ESL SES-imagotag dongle coexistence level . type: str choices: none more...
      • compliance_level - Compliance levels for the ESL solution integration . type: str choices: compliance-level-2 more...
      • esl_channel - ESL SES-imagotag dongle channel . type: str choices: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 127 more...
      • output_power - ESL SES-imagotag dongle output power . type: str choices: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h more...
      • scd_enable - Enable/disable ESL SES-imagotag Serial Communication Daemon (SCD) . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • tls_cert_verification - Enable/disable TLS certificate verification . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • tls_fqdn_verification - Enable/disable TLS certificate verification . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • ext_info_enable - Enable/disable station/VAP/radio extension information. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • frequency_handoff - Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • handoff_roaming - Enable/disable client load balancing during roaming to avoid roaming delay . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • handoff_rssi - Minimum received signal strength indicator (RSSI) value for handoff (20 - 30). type: int more...
    • handoff_sta_thresh - Threshold value for AP handoff. type: int more...
    • indoor_outdoor_deployment - Set to allow indoor/outdoor-only channels under regulatory rules . type: str choices: platform-determined, outdoor, indoor more...
    • ip_fragment_preventing - Method(s) by which IP fragmentation is prevented for control and data packets through CAPWAP tunnel . type: list choices: tcp-mss-adjust, icmp-unreachable more...
    • lan - WTP LAN port mapping. type: dict more...
      • port_esl_mode - ESL port mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port_esl_ssid - Bridge ESL port to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port_mode - LAN port mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port_ssid - Bridge LAN port to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port1_mode - LAN port 1 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port1_ssid - Bridge LAN port 1 to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port2_mode - LAN port 2 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port2_ssid - Bridge LAN port 2 to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port3_mode - LAN port 3 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port3_ssid - Bridge LAN port 3 to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port4_mode - LAN port 4 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port4_ssid - Bridge LAN port 4 to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port5_mode - LAN port 5 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port5_ssid - Bridge LAN port 5 to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port6_mode - LAN port 6 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port6_ssid - Bridge LAN port 6 to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port7_mode - LAN port 7 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port7_ssid - Bridge LAN port 7 to SSID. Source type: str more...
      • port8_mode - LAN port 8 mode. type: str choices: offline, nat-to-wan, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid more...
      • port8_ssid - Bridge LAN port 8 to SSID. Source type: str more...
    • lbs - Set various location based service (LBS) options. type: dict more...
      • aeroscout - Enable/disable AeroScout Real Time Location Service (RTLS) support . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • aeroscout_ap_mac - Use BSSID or board MAC address as AP MAC address in AeroScout AP messages . type: str choices: bssid, board-mac more...
      • aeroscout_mmu_report - Enable/disable compounded AeroScout tag and MU report . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • aeroscout_mu - Enable/disable AeroScout Mobile Unit (MU) support . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • aeroscout_mu_factor - AeroScout MU mode dilution factor . type: int more...
      • aeroscout_mu_timeout - AeroScout MU mode timeout (0 - 65535 sec). type: int more...
      • aeroscout_server_ip - IP address of AeroScout server. type: str more...
      • aeroscout_server_port - AeroScout server UDP listening port. type: int more...
      • ekahau_blink_mode - Enable/disable Ekahau blink mode (now known as AiRISTA Flow) to track and locate WiFi tags . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ekahau_tag - WiFi frame MAC address or WiFi Tag. type: str more...
      • erc_server_ip - IP address of Ekahau RTLS Controller (ERC). type: str more...
      • erc_server_port - Ekahau RTLS Controller (ERC) UDP listening port. type: int more...
      • fortipresence - Enable/disable FortiPresence to monitor the location and activity of WiFi clients even if they don"t connect to this WiFi network . type: str choices: foreign, both, disable more...
      • fortipresence_ble - Enable/disable FortiPresence finding and reporting BLE devices. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • fortipresence_frequency - FortiPresence report transmit frequency (5 - 65535 sec). type: int more...
      • fortipresence_port - UDP listening port of FortiPresence server . type: int more...
      • fortipresence_project - FortiPresence project name (max. 16 characters). type: str more...
      • fortipresence_rogue - Enable/disable FortiPresence finding and reporting rogue APs. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • fortipresence_secret - FortiPresence secret password (max. 16 characters). type: str more...
      • fortipresence_server - IP address of FortiPresence server. type: str more...
      • fortipresence_server_addr_type - FortiPresence server address type . type: str choices: ipv4, fqdn more...
      • fortipresence_server_fqdn - FQDN of FortiPresence server. type: str more...
      • fortipresence_unassoc - Enable/disable FortiPresence finding and reporting unassociated stations. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • station_locate - Enable/disable client station locating services for all clients, whether associated or not . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • led_schedules - Recurring firewall schedules for illuminating LEDs on the FortiAP. If led-state is enabled, LEDs will be visible when at least one of the schedules is valid. Separate multiple schedule names with a space. type: list more...
      • name - Schedule name. Source type: str more...
    • led_state - Enable/disable use of LEDs on WTP . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • lldp - Enable/disable Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) for the WTP, FortiAP, or AP . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • login_passwd - Set the managed WTP, FortiAP, or AP"s administrator password. type: str more...
    • login_passwd_change - Change or reset the administrator password of a managed WTP, FortiAP or AP (yes, default, or no). type: str choices: yes, default, no more...
    • max_clients - Maximum number of stations (STAs) supported by the WTP . type: int more...
    • name - WTP (or FortiAP or AP) profile name. type: str required: true more...
    • platform - WTP, FortiAP, or AP platform. type: dict more...
      • ddscan - Enable/disable use of one radio for dedicated full-band scanning to detect RF characterization and wireless threat management. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • mode - Configure operation mode of 5G radios . type: str choices: single-5G, dual-5G more...
      • type - WTP, FortiAP or AP platform type. There are built-in WTP profiles for all supported FortiAP models. You can select a built-in profile and customize it or create a new profile. type: str choices: AP-11N, 220B, 210B, 222B, 112B, 320B, 11C, 14C, 223B, 28C, 320C, 221C, 25D, 222C, 224D, 214B, 21D, 24D, 112D, 223C, 321C, C220C, C225C, C23JD, C24JE, S321C, S322C, S323C, S311C, S313C, S321CR, S322CR, S323CR, S421E, S422E, S423E, 421E, 423E, 221E, 222E, 223E, 224E, 231E, S221E, S223E, 321E, 431F, 431FL, 432F, 432FR, 433F, 433FL, 231F, 231FL, 234F, 23JF, 831F, 231G, 233G, 431G, 433G, U421E, U422EV, U423E, U221EV, U223EV, U24JEV, U321EV, U323EV, U431F, U433F, U231F, U234F, U432F, U231G, U441G more...
    • poe_mode - Set the WTP, FortiAP, or AP"s PoE mode. type: str choices: auto, 8023af, 8023at, power-adapter, full, high, low more...
    • radio_1 - Configuration options for radio 1. type: dict more...
      • airtime_fairness - Enable/disable airtime fairness . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • amsdu - Enable/disable 802.11n AMSDU support. AMSDU can improve performance if supported by your WiFi clients . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_handoff - Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_addr - MAC address to monitor. type: str more...
      • ap_sniffer_bufsize - Sniffer buffer size (1 - 32 MB). type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_chan - Channel on which to operate the sniffer . type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_ctl - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_data - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_other - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • arrp_profile - Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) profile name to assign to the radio. Source wireless-controller type: str more...
      • auto_power_high - The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_level - Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • auto_power_low - The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_target - Target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (-95 to -20). type: str more...
      • band - WiFi band that Radio 1 operates on. type: str choices: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11n-5G, 802.11ac, 802.11ax-5G, 802.11ax, 802.11ac-2G, 802.11ax-6G, 802.11n,g-only, 802.11g-only, 802.11n-only, 802.11n-5G-only, 802.11ac,n-only, 802.11ac-only, 802.11ax,ac-only, 802.11ax,ac,n-only, 802.11ax-5G-only, 802.11ax,n-only, 802.11ax,n,g-only, 802.11ax-only more...
      • band_5g_type - WiFi 5G band type. type: str choices: 5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low more...
      • bandwidth_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) bandwidth admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use. A request to join the wireless network is only allowed if the access point has enough bandwidth to support it. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • bandwidth_capacity - Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed (1 - 600000 Kbps). type: int more...
      • beacon_interval - Beacon interval. The time between beacon frames in milliseconds. Actual range of beacon interval depends on the AP platform type . type: int more...
      • bss_color - BSS color value for this 11ax radio (0 - 63, disable = 0). type: int more...
      • bss_color_mode - BSS color mode for this 11ax radio . type: str choices: auto, static more...
      • call_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) call admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use for VoIP calls. New VoIP calls are only accepted if there is enough bandwidth available to support them. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • call_capacity - Maximum number of Voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) phones supported by the radio (0 - 60). type: int more...
      • channel - Selected list of wireless radio channels. type: list more...
        • chan - Channel number. type: str more...
      • channel_bonding - Channel bandwidth: 160,80, 40, or 20MHz. Channels may use both 20 and 40 by enabling coexistence. type: str choices: 160MHz, 80MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz more...
      • channel_utilization - Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • coexistence - Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • darrp - Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) to make sure the radio is always using the most optimal channel . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • drma - Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment (DRMA) . type: str choices: disable, enable more...
      • drma_sensitivity - Network Coverage Factor (NCF) percentage required to consider a radio as redundant . type: str choices: low, medium, high more...
      • dtim - Delivery Traffic Indication Map (DTIM) period (1 - 255). Set higher to save battery life of WiFi client in power-save mode. type: int more...
      • frag_threshold - Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation (800 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • frequency_handoff - Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • iperf_protocol - Iperf test protocol . type: str choices: udp, tcp more...
      • iperf_server_port - Iperf service port number. type: int more...
      • max_clients - Maximum number of stations (STAs) or WiFi clients supported by the radio. Range depends on the hardware. type: int more...
      • max_distance - Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients (0 - 54000 m). type: int more...
      • mode - Mode of radio 1. Radio 1 can be disabled, configured as an access point, a rogue AP monitor, a sniffer, or a station. type: str choices: disabled, ap, monitor, sniffer, sam more...
      • power_level - Radio EIRP power level as a percentage of the maximum EIRP power (0 - 100). type: int more...
      • power_mode - Set radio effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) in dBm or by a percentage of the maximum EIRP . This power takes into account both radio transmit power and antenna gain. Higher power level settings may be constrained by local regulatory requirements and AP capabilities. type: str choices: dBm, percentage more...
      • power_value - Radio EIRP power in dBm (1 - 33). type: int more...
      • powersave_optimize - Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. type: list choices: tim, ac-vo, no-obss-scan, no-11b-rate, client-rate-follow more...
      • protection_mode - Enable/disable 802.11g protection modes to support backwards compatibility with older clients (rtscts, ctsonly, disable). type: str choices: rtscts, ctsonly, disable more...
      • radio_id - radio-id type: int more...
      • rts_threshold - Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS (256 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • sam_bssid - BSSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_captive_portal - Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • sam_cwp_failure_string - Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_match_string - Identification string from the captive portal login form. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_password - Password for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_success_string - Success identification on the page after a successful login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_test_url - Website the client is trying to access. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_username - Username for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_password - Passphrase for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • sam_report_intv - SAM report interval (sec), 0 for a one-time report. type: int more...
      • sam_security_type - Select WiFi network security type . type: str choices: open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise more...
      • sam_server - SAM test server IP address or domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_fqdn - SAM test server domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_ip - SAM test server IP address. type: str more...
      • sam_server_type - Select SAM server type . type: str choices: ip, fqdn more...
      • sam_ssid - SSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_test - Select SAM test type . type: str choices: ping, iperf more...
      • sam_username - Username for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • set_80211d - Enable/disable 802.11d countryie. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • short_guard_interval - Use either the short guard interval (Short GI) of 400 ns or the long guard interval (Long GI) of 800 ns. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • spectrum_analysis - Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. type: str choices: enable, scan-only, disable more...
      • transmit_optimize - Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. All are enabled by default. type: list choices: disable, power-save, aggr-limit, retry-limit, send-bar more...
      • vap_all - Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP . type: str choices: tunnel, bridge, manual, enable, disable more...
      • vaps - Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points (VAPs). type: list more...
        • name - Virtual Access Point (VAP) name. Source type: str more...
      • wids_profile - Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) profile name to assign to the radio. Source type: str more...
      • zero_wait_dfs - Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • radio_2 - Configuration options for radio 2. type: dict more...
      • airtime_fairness - Enable/disable airtime fairness . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • amsdu - Enable/disable 802.11n AMSDU support. AMSDU can improve performance if supported by your WiFi clients . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_handoff - Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_addr - MAC address to monitor. type: str more...
      • ap_sniffer_bufsize - Sniffer buffer size (1 - 32 MB). type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_chan - Channel on which to operate the sniffer . type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_ctl - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_data - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_other - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • arrp_profile - Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) profile name to assign to the radio. Source wireless-controller type: str more...
      • auto_power_high - The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_level - Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • auto_power_low - The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_target - Target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (-95 to -20). type: str more...
      • band - WiFi band that Radio 2 operates on. type: str choices: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11n-5G, 802.11ac, 802.11ax-5G, 802.11ax, 802.11ac-2G, 802.11ax-6G, 802.11n,g-only, 802.11g-only, 802.11n-only, 802.11n-5G-only, 802.11ac,n-only, 802.11ac-only, 802.11ax,ac-only, 802.11ax,ac,n-only, 802.11ax-5G-only, 802.11ax,n-only, 802.11ax,n,g-only, 802.11ax-only more...
      • band_5g_type - WiFi 5G band type. type: str choices: 5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low more...
      • bandwidth_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) bandwidth admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use. A request to join the wireless network is only allowed if the access point has enough bandwidth to support it. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • bandwidth_capacity - Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed (1 - 600000 Kbps). type: int more...
      • beacon_interval - Beacon interval. The time between beacon frames in milliseconds. Actual range of beacon interval depends on the AP platform type . type: int more...
      • bss_color - BSS color value for this 11ax radio (0 - 63, disable = 0). type: int more...
      • bss_color_mode - BSS color mode for this 11ax radio . type: str choices: auto, static more...
      • call_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) call admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use for VoIP calls. New VoIP calls are only accepted if there is enough bandwidth available to support them. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • call_capacity - Maximum number of Voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) phones supported by the radio (0 - 60). type: int more...
      • channel - Selected list of wireless radio channels. type: list more...
        • chan - Channel number. type: str more...
      • channel_bonding - Channel bandwidth: 160,80, 40, or 20MHz. Channels may use both 20 and 40 by enabling coexistence. type: str choices: 160MHz, 80MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz more...
      • channel_utilization - Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • coexistence - Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • darrp - Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) to make sure the radio is always using the most optimal channel . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • drma - Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment (DRMA) . type: str choices: disable, enable more...
      • drma_sensitivity - Network Coverage Factor (NCF) percentage required to consider a radio as redundant . type: str choices: low, medium, high more...
      • dtim - Delivery Traffic Indication Map (DTIM) period (1 - 255). Set higher to save battery life of WiFi client in power-save mode. type: int more...
      • frag_threshold - Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation (800 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • frequency_handoff - Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • iperf_protocol - Iperf test protocol . type: str choices: udp, tcp more...
      • iperf_server_port - Iperf service port number. type: int more...
      • max_clients - Maximum number of stations (STAs) or WiFi clients supported by the radio. Range depends on the hardware. type: int more...
      • max_distance - Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients (0 - 54000 m). type: int more...
      • mode - Mode of radio 2. Radio 2 can be disabled, configured as an access point, a rogue AP monitor, a sniffer, or a station. type: str choices: disabled, ap, monitor, sniffer, sam more...
      • power_level - Radio EIRP power level as a percentage of the maximum EIRP power (0 - 100). type: int more...
      • power_mode - Set radio effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) in dBm or by a percentage of the maximum EIRP . This power takes into account both radio transmit power and antenna gain. Higher power level settings may be constrained by local regulatory requirements and AP capabilities. type: str choices: dBm, percentage more...
      • power_value - Radio EIRP power in dBm (1 - 33). type: int more...
      • powersave_optimize - Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. type: list choices: tim, ac-vo, no-obss-scan, no-11b-rate, client-rate-follow more...
      • protection_mode - Enable/disable 802.11g protection modes to support backwards compatibility with older clients (rtscts, ctsonly, disable). type: str choices: rtscts, ctsonly, disable more...
      • radio_id - radio-id type: int more...
      • rts_threshold - Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS (256 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • sam_bssid - BSSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_captive_portal - Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • sam_cwp_failure_string - Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_match_string - Identification string from the captive portal login form. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_password - Password for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_success_string - Success identification on the page after a successful login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_test_url - Website the client is trying to access. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_username - Username for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_password - Passphrase for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • sam_report_intv - SAM report interval (sec), 0 for a one-time report. type: int more...
      • sam_security_type - Select WiFi network security type . type: str choices: open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise more...
      • sam_server - SAM test server IP address or domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_fqdn - SAM test server domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_ip - SAM test server IP address. type: str more...
      • sam_server_type - Select SAM server type . type: str choices: ip, fqdn more...
      • sam_ssid - SSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_test - Select SAM test type . type: str choices: ping, iperf more...
      • sam_username - Username for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • set_80211d - Enable/disable 802.11d countryie. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • short_guard_interval - Use either the short guard interval (Short GI) of 400 ns or the long guard interval (Long GI) of 800 ns. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • spectrum_analysis - Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. type: str choices: enable, scan-only, disable more...
      • transmit_optimize - Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. All are enabled by default. type: list choices: disable, power-save, aggr-limit, retry-limit, send-bar more...
      • vap_all - Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP . type: str choices: tunnel, bridge, manual, enable, disable more...
      • vaps - Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points (VAPs). type: list more...
        • name - Virtual Access Point (VAP) name. Source type: str more...
      • wids_profile - Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) profile name to assign to the radio. Source type: str more...
      • zero_wait_dfs - Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • radio_3 - Configuration options for radio 3. type: dict more...
      • airtime_fairness - Enable/disable airtime fairness . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • amsdu - Enable/disable 802.11n AMSDU support. AMSDU can improve performance if supported by your WiFi clients . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_handoff - Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_addr - MAC address to monitor. type: str more...
      • ap_sniffer_bufsize - Sniffer buffer size (1 - 32 MB). type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_chan - Channel on which to operate the sniffer . type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_ctl - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_data - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_other - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • arrp_profile - Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) profile name to assign to the radio. Source wireless-controller type: str more...
      • auto_power_high - The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_level - Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • auto_power_low - The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_target - Target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (-95 to -20). type: str more...
      • band - WiFi band that Radio 3 operates on. type: str choices: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11n-5G, 802.11ac, 802.11ax-5G, 802.11ax, 802.11ac-2G, 802.11ax-6G, 802.11n,g-only, 802.11g-only, 802.11n-only, 802.11n-5G-only, 802.11ac,n-only, 802.11ac-only, 802.11ax,ac-only, 802.11ax,ac,n-only, 802.11ax-5G-only, 802.11ax,n-only, 802.11ax,n,g-only, 802.11ax-only more...
      • band_5g_type - WiFi 5G band type. type: str choices: 5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low more...
      • bandwidth_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) bandwidth admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use. A request to join the wireless network is only allowed if the access point has enough bandwidth to support it. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • bandwidth_capacity - Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed (1 - 600000 Kbps). type: int more...
      • beacon_interval - Beacon interval. The time between beacon frames in milliseconds. Actual range of beacon interval depends on the AP platform type . type: int more...
      • bss_color - BSS color value for this 11ax radio (0 - 63, disable = 0). type: int more...
      • bss_color_mode - BSS color mode for this 11ax radio . type: str choices: auto, static more...
      • call_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) call admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use for VoIP calls. New VoIP calls are only accepted if there is enough bandwidth available to support them. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • call_capacity - Maximum number of Voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) phones supported by the radio (0 - 60). type: int more...
      • channel - Selected list of wireless radio channels. type: list more...
        • chan - Channel number. type: str more...
      • channel_bonding - Channel bandwidth: 160,80, 40, or 20MHz. Channels may use both 20 and 40 by enabling coexistence. type: str choices: 160MHz, 80MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz more...
      • channel_utilization - Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • coexistence - Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • darrp - Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) to make sure the radio is always using the most optimal channel . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • drma - Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment (DRMA) . type: str choices: disable, enable more...
      • drma_sensitivity - Network Coverage Factor (NCF) percentage required to consider a radio as redundant . type: str choices: low, medium, high more...
      • dtim - Delivery Traffic Indication Map (DTIM) period (1 - 255). Set higher to save battery life of WiFi client in power-save mode. type: int more...
      • frag_threshold - Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation (800 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • frequency_handoff - Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • iperf_protocol - Iperf test protocol . type: str choices: udp, tcp more...
      • iperf_server_port - Iperf service port number. type: int more...
      • max_clients - Maximum number of stations (STAs) or WiFi clients supported by the radio. Range depends on the hardware. type: int more...
      • max_distance - Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients (0 - 54000 m). type: int more...
      • mode - Mode of radio 3. Radio 3 can be disabled, configured as an access point, a rogue AP monitor, a sniffer, or a station. type: str choices: disabled, ap, monitor, sniffer, sam more...
      • power_level - Radio EIRP power level as a percentage of the maximum EIRP power (0 - 100). type: int more...
      • power_mode - Set radio effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) in dBm or by a percentage of the maximum EIRP . This power takes into account both radio transmit power and antenna gain. Higher power level settings may be constrained by local regulatory requirements and AP capabilities. type: str choices: dBm, percentage more...
      • power_value - Radio EIRP power in dBm (1 - 33). type: int more...
      • powersave_optimize - Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. type: list choices: tim, ac-vo, no-obss-scan, no-11b-rate, client-rate-follow more...
      • protection_mode - Enable/disable 802.11g protection modes to support backwards compatibility with older clients (rtscts, ctsonly, disable). type: str choices: rtscts, ctsonly, disable more...
      • radio_id - radio-id type: int more...
      • rts_threshold - Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS (256 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • sam_bssid - BSSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_captive_portal - Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • sam_cwp_failure_string - Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_match_string - Identification string from the captive portal login form. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_password - Password for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_success_string - Success identification on the page after a successful login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_test_url - Website the client is trying to access. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_username - Username for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_password - Passphrase for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • sam_report_intv - SAM report interval (sec), 0 for a one-time report. type: int more...
      • sam_security_type - Select WiFi network security type . type: str choices: open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise more...
      • sam_server - SAM test server IP address or domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_fqdn - SAM test server domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_ip - SAM test server IP address. type: str more...
      • sam_server_type - Select SAM server type . type: str choices: ip, fqdn more...
      • sam_ssid - SSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_test - Select SAM test type . type: str choices: ping, iperf more...
      • sam_username - Username for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • set_80211d - Enable/disable 802.11d countryie. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • short_guard_interval - Use either the short guard interval (Short GI) of 400 ns or the long guard interval (Long GI) of 800 ns. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • spectrum_analysis - Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. type: str choices: enable, scan-only, disable more...
      • transmit_optimize - Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. All are enabled by default. type: list choices: disable, power-save, aggr-limit, retry-limit, send-bar more...
      • vap_all - Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP . type: str choices: tunnel, bridge, manual, enable, disable more...
      • vaps - Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points (VAPs). type: list more...
        • name - Virtual Access Point (VAP) name. Source type: str more...
      • wids_profile - Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) profile name to assign to the radio. Source type: str more...
      • zero_wait_dfs - Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • radio_4 - Configuration options for radio 4. type: dict more...
      • airtime_fairness - Enable/disable airtime fairness . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • amsdu - Enable/disable 802.11n AMSDU support. AMSDU can improve performance if supported by your WiFi clients . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_handoff - Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_addr - MAC address to monitor. type: str more...
      • ap_sniffer_bufsize - Sniffer buffer size (1 - 32 MB). type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_chan - Channel on which to operate the sniffer . type: int more...
      • ap_sniffer_ctl - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_data - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_other - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe - Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • arrp_profile - Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) profile name to assign to the radio. Source wireless-controller type: str more...
      • auto_power_high - The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_level - Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • auto_power_low - The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (the actual range of transmit power depends on the AP platform type). type: int more...
      • auto_power_target - Target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm (-95 to -20). type: str more...
      • band - WiFi band that Radio 3 operates on. type: str choices: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11n-5G, 802.11ac, 802.11ax-5G, 802.11ax, 802.11ac-2G, 802.11ax-6G, 802.11n,g-only, 802.11g-only, 802.11n-only, 802.11n-5G-only, 802.11ac,n-only, 802.11ac-only, 802.11ax,ac-only, 802.11ax,ac,n-only, 802.11ax-5G-only, 802.11ax,n-only, 802.11ax,n,g-only, 802.11ax-only more...
      • band_5g_type - WiFi 5G band type. type: str choices: 5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low more...
      • bandwidth_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) bandwidth admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use. A request to join the wireless network is only allowed if the access point has enough bandwidth to support it. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • bandwidth_capacity - Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed (1 - 600000 Kbps). type: int more...
      • beacon_interval - Beacon interval. The time between beacon frames in milliseconds. Actual range of beacon interval depends on the AP platform type . type: int more...
      • bss_color - BSS color value for this 11ax radio (0 - 63, disable = 0). type: int more...
      • bss_color_mode - BSS color mode for this 11ax radio . type: str choices: auto, static more...
      • call_admission_control - Enable/disable WiFi multimedia (WMM) call admission control to optimize WiFi bandwidth use for VoIP calls. New VoIP calls are only accepted if there is enough bandwidth available to support them. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • call_capacity - Maximum number of Voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) phones supported by the radio (0 - 60). type: int more...
      • channel - Selected list of wireless radio channels. type: list more...
        • chan - Channel number. type: str more...
      • channel_bonding - Channel bandwidth: 160,80, 40, or 20MHz. Channels may use both 20 and 40 by enabling coexistence. type: str choices: 160MHz, 80MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz more...
      • channel_utilization - Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • coexistence - Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • darrp - Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning (DARRP) to make sure the radio is always using the most optimal channel . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • drma - Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment (DRMA) . type: str choices: disable, enable more...
      • drma_sensitivity - Network Coverage Factor (NCF) percentage required to consider a radio as redundant . type: str choices: low, medium, high more...
      • dtim - Delivery Traffic Indication Map (DTIM) period (1 - 255). Set higher to save battery life of WiFi client in power-save mode. type: int more...
      • frag_threshold - Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation (800 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • frequency_handoff - Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • iperf_protocol - Iperf test protocol . type: str choices: udp, tcp more...
      • iperf_server_port - Iperf service port number. type: int more...
      • max_clients - Maximum number of stations (STAs) or WiFi clients supported by the radio. Range depends on the hardware. type: int more...
      • max_distance - Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients (0 - 54000 m). type: int more...
      • mode - Mode of radio 3. Radio 3 can be disabled, configured as an access point, a rogue AP monitor, a sniffer, or a station. type: str choices: disabled, ap, monitor, sniffer, sam more...
      • power_level - Radio EIRP power level as a percentage of the maximum EIRP power (0 - 100). type: int more...
      • power_mode - Set radio effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) in dBm or by a percentage of the maximum EIRP . This power takes into account both radio transmit power and antenna gain. Higher power level settings may be constrained by local regulatory requirements and AP capabilities. type: str choices: dBm, percentage more...
      • power_value - Radio EIRP power in dBm (1 - 33). type: int more...
      • powersave_optimize - Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. type: list choices: tim, ac-vo, no-obss-scan, no-11b-rate, client-rate-follow more...
      • protection_mode - Enable/disable 802.11g protection modes to support backwards compatibility with older clients (rtscts, ctsonly, disable). type: str choices: rtscts, ctsonly, disable more...
      • rts_threshold - Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS (256 - 2346 bytes). type: int more...
      • sam_bssid - BSSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_captive_portal - Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • sam_cwp_failure_string - Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_match_string - Identification string from the captive portal login form. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_password - Password for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_success_string - Success identification on the page after a successful login. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_test_url - Website the client is trying to access. type: str more...
      • sam_cwp_username - Username for captive portal authentication. type: str more...
      • sam_password - Passphrase for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • sam_report_intv - SAM report interval (sec), 0 for a one-time report. type: int more...
      • sam_security_type - Select WiFi network security type . type: str choices: open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise more...
      • sam_server - SAM test server IP address or domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_fqdn - SAM test server domain name. type: str more...
      • sam_server_ip - SAM test server IP address. type: str more...
      • sam_server_type - Select SAM server type . type: str choices: ip, fqdn more...
      • sam_ssid - SSID for WiFi network. type: str more...
      • sam_test - Select SAM test type . type: str choices: ping, iperf more...
      • sam_username - Username for WiFi network connection. type: str more...
      • set_80211d - Enable/disable 802.11d countryie. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • short_guard_interval - Use either the short guard interval (Short GI) of 400 ns or the long guard interval (Long GI) of 800 ns. type: str choices: enable, disable more...
      • spectrum_analysis - Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. type: str choices: enable, scan-only, disable more...
      • transmit_optimize - Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. All are enabled by default. type: list choices: disable, power-save, aggr-limit, retry-limit, send-bar more...
      • vap_all - Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP . type: str choices: tunnel, bridge, manual, enable, disable more...
      • vaps - Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points (VAPs). type: list more...
        • name - Virtual Access Point (VAP) name. Source type: str more...
      • wids_profile - Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) profile name to assign to the radio. Source type: str more...
      • zero_wait_dfs - Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • split_tunneling_acl - Split tunneling ACL filter list. type: list more...
      • dest_ip - Destination IP and mask for the split-tunneling subnet. type: str more...
      • id - ID. type: int more...
    • split_tunneling_acl_local_ap_subnet - Enable/disable automatically adding local subnetwork of FortiAP to split-tunneling ACL . type: str choices: enable, disable more...
    • split_tunneling_acl_path - Split tunneling ACL path is local/tunnel. type: str choices: tunnel, local more...
    • syslog_profile - System log server configuration profile name. Source type: str more...
    • tun_mtu_downlink - The MTU of downlink CAPWAP tunnel (576 - 1500 bytes or 0; 0 means the local MTU of FortiAP; ). type: int more...
    • tun_mtu_uplink - The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of uplink CAPWAP tunnel (576 - 1500 bytes or 0; 0 means the local MTU of FortiAP; ). type: int more...
    • wan_port_auth - Set WAN port authentication mode . type: str choices: none, 802.1x more...
    • wan_port_auth_methods - WAN port 802.1x supplicant EAP methods . type: str choices: all, EAP-FAST, EAP-TLS, EAP-PEAP more...
    • wan_port_auth_password - Set WAN port 802.1x supplicant password. type: str more...
    • wan_port_auth_usrname - Set WAN port 802.1x supplicant user name. type: str more...
    • wan_port_mode - Enable/disable using a WAN port as a LAN port. type: str choices: wan-lan, wan-only more...



  • Legacy fortiosapi has been deprecated, httpapi is the preferred way to run playbooks


- hosts: fortigates
    - fortinet.fortios
  connection: httpapi
   vdom: "root"
   ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: yes
   ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
   ansible_httpapi_port: 443
  - name: Configure WTP profiles or FortiAP profiles that define radio settings for manageable FortiAP platforms.
      vdom:  "{{ vdom }}"
      state: "present"
      access_token: "<your_own_value>"
        allowaccess: "https"
        ap_country: "--"
        ap_handoff: "enable"
        apcfg_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
        ble_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
        comment: "Comment."
        console_login: "enable"
        control_message_offload: "ebp-frame"
            id:  "12"
            mac: "<your_own_value>"
        dtls_in_kernel: "enable"
        dtls_policy: "clear-text"
        energy_efficient_ethernet: "enable"
            apc_addr_type: "fqdn"
            apc_fqdn: "<your_own_value>"
            apc_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            apc_port: "0"
            coex_level: "none"
            compliance_level: "compliance-level-2"
            esl_channel: "-1"
            output_power: "a"
            scd_enable: "enable"
            tls_cert_verification: "enable"
            tls_fqdn_verification: "enable"
        ext_info_enable: "enable"
        frequency_handoff: "enable"
        handoff_roaming: "enable"
        handoff_rssi: "25"
        handoff_sta_thresh: "0"
        indoor_outdoor_deployment: "platform-determined"
        ip_fragment_preventing: "tcp-mss-adjust"
            port_esl_mode: "offline"
            port_esl_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port_mode: "offline"
            port_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port1_mode: "offline"
            port1_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port2_mode: "offline"
            port2_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port3_mode: "offline"
            port3_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port4_mode: "offline"
            port4_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port5_mode: "offline"
            port5_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port6_mode: "offline"
            port6_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port7_mode: "offline"
            port7_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            port8_mode: "offline"
            port8_ssid: "<your_own_value> (source"
            aeroscout: "enable"
            aeroscout_ap_mac: "bssid"
            aeroscout_mmu_report: "enable"
            aeroscout_mu: "enable"
            aeroscout_mu_factor: "20"
            aeroscout_mu_timeout: "5"
            aeroscout_server_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            aeroscout_server_port: "0"
            ekahau_blink_mode: "enable"
            ekahau_tag: "<your_own_value>"
            erc_server_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            erc_server_port: "8569"
            fortipresence: "foreign"
            fortipresence_ble: "enable"
            fortipresence_frequency: "30"
            fortipresence_port: "3000"
            fortipresence_project: "<your_own_value>"
            fortipresence_rogue: "enable"
            fortipresence_secret: "<your_own_value>"
            fortipresence_server: "<your_own_value>"
            fortipresence_server_addr_type: "ipv4"
            fortipresence_server_fqdn: "<your_own_value>"
            fortipresence_unassoc: "enable"
            station_locate: "enable"
            name: "default_name_83 (source"
        led_state: "enable"
        lldp: "enable"
        login_passwd: "<your_own_value>"
        login_passwd_change: "yes"
        max_clients: "0"
        name: "default_name_89"
            ddscan: "enable"
            mode: "single-5G"
            type: "AP-11N"
        poe_mode: "auto"
            airtime_fairness: "enable"
            amsdu: "enable"
            ap_handoff: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_addr: "<your_own_value>"
            ap_sniffer_bufsize: "16"
            ap_sniffer_chan: "36"
            ap_sniffer_ctl: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_data: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: "enable"
            arrp_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            auto_power_high: "17"
            auto_power_level: "enable"
            auto_power_low: "10"
            auto_power_target: "<your_own_value>"
            band: "802.11a"
            band_5g_type: "5g-full"
            bandwidth_admission_control: "enable"
            bandwidth_capacity: "2000"
            beacon_interval: "100"
            bss_color: "0"
            bss_color_mode: "auto"
            call_admission_control: "enable"
            call_capacity: "10"
                chan: "<your_own_value>"
            channel_bonding: "160MHz"
            channel_utilization: "enable"
            coexistence: "enable"
            darrp: "enable"
            drma: "disable"
            drma_sensitivity: "low"
            dtim: "1"
            frag_threshold: "2346"
            frequency_handoff: "enable"
            iperf_protocol: "udp"
            iperf_server_port: "5001"
            max_clients: "0"
            max_distance: "0"
            mode: "disabled"
            power_level: "100"
            power_mode: "dBm"
            power_value: "27"
            powersave_optimize: "tim"
            protection_mode: "rtscts"
            radio_id: "2"
            rts_threshold: "2346"
            sam_bssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_captive_portal: "enable"
            sam_cwp_failure_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_match_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_success_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_test_url: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_username: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_report_intv: "0"
            sam_security_type: "open"
            sam_server: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_fqdn: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_type: "ip"
            sam_ssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_test: "ping"
            sam_username: "<your_own_value>"
            set_80211d: "enable"
            short_guard_interval: "enable"
            spectrum_analysis: "enable"
            transmit_optimize: "disable"
            vap_all: "tunnel"
                name: "default_name_168 (source"
            wids_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            zero_wait_dfs: "enable"
            airtime_fairness: "enable"
            amsdu: "enable"
            ap_handoff: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_addr: "<your_own_value>"
            ap_sniffer_bufsize: "16"
            ap_sniffer_chan: "6"
            ap_sniffer_ctl: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_data: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: "enable"
            arrp_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            auto_power_high: "17"
            auto_power_level: "enable"
            auto_power_low: "10"
            auto_power_target: "<your_own_value>"
            band: "802.11a"
            band_5g_type: "5g-full"
            bandwidth_admission_control: "enable"
            bandwidth_capacity: "2000"
            beacon_interval: "100"
            bss_color: "0"
            bss_color_mode: "auto"
            call_admission_control: "enable"
            call_capacity: "10"
                chan: "<your_own_value>"
            channel_bonding: "160MHz"
            channel_utilization: "enable"
            coexistence: "enable"
            darrp: "enable"
            drma: "disable"
            drma_sensitivity: "low"
            dtim: "1"
            frag_threshold: "2346"
            frequency_handoff: "enable"
            iperf_protocol: "udp"
            iperf_server_port: "5001"
            max_clients: "0"
            max_distance: "0"
            mode: "disabled"
            power_level: "100"
            power_mode: "dBm"
            power_value: "27"
            powersave_optimize: "tim"
            protection_mode: "rtscts"
            radio_id: "2"
            rts_threshold: "2346"
            sam_bssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_captive_portal: "enable"
            sam_cwp_failure_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_match_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_success_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_test_url: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_username: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_report_intv: "0"
            sam_security_type: "open"
            sam_server: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_fqdn: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_type: "ip"
            sam_ssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_test: "ping"
            sam_username: "<your_own_value>"
            set_80211d: "enable"
            short_guard_interval: "enable"
            spectrum_analysis: "enable"
            transmit_optimize: "disable"
            vap_all: "tunnel"
                name: "default_name_244 (source"
            wids_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            zero_wait_dfs: "enable"
            airtime_fairness: "enable"
            amsdu: "enable"
            ap_handoff: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_addr: "<your_own_value>"
            ap_sniffer_bufsize: "16"
            ap_sniffer_chan: "6"
            ap_sniffer_ctl: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_data: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: "enable"
            arrp_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            auto_power_high: "17"
            auto_power_level: "enable"
            auto_power_low: "10"
            auto_power_target: "<your_own_value>"
            band: "802.11a"
            band_5g_type: "5g-full"
            bandwidth_admission_control: "enable"
            bandwidth_capacity: "2000"
            beacon_interval: "100"
            bss_color: "0"
            bss_color_mode: "auto"
            call_admission_control: "enable"
            call_capacity: "10"
                chan: "<your_own_value>"
            channel_bonding: "160MHz"
            channel_utilization: "enable"
            coexistence: "enable"
            darrp: "enable"
            drma: "disable"
            drma_sensitivity: "low"
            dtim: "1"
            frag_threshold: "2346"
            frequency_handoff: "enable"
            iperf_protocol: "udp"
            iperf_server_port: "5001"
            max_clients: "0"
            max_distance: "0"
            mode: "disabled"
            power_level: "100"
            power_mode: "dBm"
            power_value: "27"
            powersave_optimize: "tim"
            protection_mode: "rtscts"
            radio_id: "2"
            rts_threshold: "2346"
            sam_bssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_captive_portal: "enable"
            sam_cwp_failure_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_match_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_success_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_test_url: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_username: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_report_intv: "0"
            sam_security_type: "open"
            sam_server: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_fqdn: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_type: "ip"
            sam_ssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_test: "ping"
            sam_username: "<your_own_value>"
            set_80211d: "enable"
            short_guard_interval: "enable"
            spectrum_analysis: "enable"
            transmit_optimize: "disable"
            vap_all: "tunnel"
                name: "default_name_320 (source"
            wids_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            zero_wait_dfs: "enable"
            airtime_fairness: "enable"
            amsdu: "enable"
            ap_handoff: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_addr: "<your_own_value>"
            ap_sniffer_bufsize: "16"
            ap_sniffer_chan: "6"
            ap_sniffer_ctl: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_data: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: "enable"
            ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: "enable"
            arrp_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            auto_power_high: "17"
            auto_power_level: "enable"
            auto_power_low: "10"
            auto_power_target: "<your_own_value>"
            band: "802.11a"
            band_5g_type: "5g-full"
            bandwidth_admission_control: "enable"
            bandwidth_capacity: "2000"
            beacon_interval: "100"
            bss_color: "0"
            bss_color_mode: "auto"
            call_admission_control: "enable"
            call_capacity: "10"
                chan: "<your_own_value>"
            channel_bonding: "160MHz"
            channel_utilization: "enable"
            coexistence: "enable"
            darrp: "enable"
            drma: "disable"
            drma_sensitivity: "low"
            dtim: "1"
            frag_threshold: "2346"
            frequency_handoff: "enable"
            iperf_protocol: "udp"
            iperf_server_port: "5001"
            max_clients: "0"
            max_distance: "0"
            mode: "disabled"
            power_level: "100"
            power_mode: "dBm"
            power_value: "27"
            powersave_optimize: "tim"
            protection_mode: "rtscts"
            rts_threshold: "2346"
            sam_bssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_captive_portal: "enable"
            sam_cwp_failure_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_match_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_success_string: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_test_url: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_cwp_username: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_password: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_report_intv: "0"
            sam_security_type: "open"
            sam_server: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_fqdn: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_server_type: "ip"
            sam_ssid: "<your_own_value>"
            sam_test: "ping"
            sam_username: "<your_own_value>"
            set_80211d: "enable"
            short_guard_interval: "enable"
            spectrum_analysis: "enable"
            transmit_optimize: "disable"
            vap_all: "tunnel"
                name: "default_name_395 (source"
            wids_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
            zero_wait_dfs: "enable"
            dest_ip: "<your_own_value>"
            id:  "400"
        split_tunneling_acl_local_ap_subnet: "enable"
        split_tunneling_acl_path: "tunnel"
        syslog_profile: "<your_own_value> (source"
        tun_mtu_downlink: "0"
        tun_mtu_uplink: "0"
        wan_port_auth: "none"
        wan_port_auth_methods: "all"
        wan_port_auth_password: "<your_own_value>"
        wan_port_auth_usrname: "<your_own_value>"
        wan_port_mode: "wan-lan"

Return Values

Common return values are documented:, the following are the fields unique to this module:

  • build - Build number of the fortigate image returned: always type: str sample: 1547
  • http_method - Last method used to provision the content into FortiGate returned: always type: str sample: PUT
  • http_status - Last result given by FortiGate on last operation applied returned: always type: str sample: 200
  • mkey - Master key (id) used in the last call to FortiGate returned: success type: str sample: id
  • name - Name of the table used to fulfill the request returned: always type: str sample: urlfilter
  • path - Path of the table used to fulfill the request returned: always type: str sample: webfilter
  • revision - Internal revision number returned: always type: str sample:
  • serial - Serial number of the unit returned: always type: str sample: FGVMEVYYQT3AB5352
  • status - Indication of the operation's result returned: always type: str sample: success
  • vdom - Virtual domain used returned: always type: str sample: root
  • version - Version of the FortiGate returned: always type: str sample: v5.6.3


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.


  • Link Zheng (@chillancezen)
  • Jie Xue (@JieX19)
  • Hongbin Lu (@fgtdev-hblu)
  • Frank Shen (@frankshen01)
  • Miguel Angel Munoz (@mamunozgonzalez)
  • Nicolas Thomas (@thomnico)


If you notice any issues in this documentation, you can create a pull request to improve it.